Department für Geographie





Transition Dynamics in Energy Regions:
An Integrated Model for Energy Policies

Energy regions provide one answer for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The aim of this project is to understand and model socio-technical transitions in Austrian energy regions to derive policy recommendations for establishing new, supporting current, and maintaining successful transitions of energy regions. In doing so, we develop a simulation model, which includes an energy flow model, depicting the development and potential for energy production at a regional level, and a behavioural model, studying the impact of policies, social norm and culture on stakeholders' investment and energy consumption decisions. This model is a prototype of an integrated System Dynamics – Agent-Based Model, which allows the observation of system evolution, assessment of the transition, comparison of transition designs, and assessment of policies. The results are concrete energy policy recommendations at a regional and national scale.


This project receives financial support from the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund and is carried out within the framework of the "ACRP" Programme.