Department für Geographie





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Social Responses to Past Global Change Effects (SORPAGE)

Fachgebiet: Geographie des Wissens, Geographische Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Forschung
Gefördert durch: Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Förderkennzeichen: 2004-26318

Projektwissenschaftler: , William Clark, Roger E. Kasperson

Laufzeit: 03/2006 - 02/2007
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The key question the project addressed was: When, why, and how do scientific expertise influence policy and practice? Context was the increasing vulnerability of society to natural risks. Scientific products were analysed to identify causes of vulnerability and to recog­nise failures occurring within the scientific knowledge system, as well as to better understand potential linkages between specific vulnerability determinants and failure/success in bridging the science-practice interface. By means of question­naires for knowledge producers and potential users, twenty international case studies were studied regarding their influence on decision-makers in local governments, private sector, governmental and non-governmental agencies. The pro­ject findings have been selected to be presented at the AAAS Meeting in San Francisco.

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