Department für Geographie




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Dr.  Monika Prasch

Dr. Monika Prasch

- nicht mehr am Department tätig seit Beginn 2018 -

Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.08.2016 14:46 Uhr





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Prasch, M., Mauser, W. and Weber, M. (2012): Quantifying present and future glacier melt-water contribution to runoff in a Central Himalayan river basin , The Cryosphere Discuss., 6, 4557-4598, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4557-2012 , Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Prasch, M., Koch, F. and Weidinger R. (2012): Final project report of the Danube Study – Climate Change Adaptation: Study to provide a common and basin-wide understanding towards the development of a Climate Change adaptation strategy in the Danube River Basin, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 174 p. , 174 p. , Book, published.

Braun, L., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Prasch, M. (2011): Understanding water in Alpine basins through observations and modeling , 15th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, February 2011 , Munich , Abstract, published.

Braun, L., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Prasch, M. (2011): Hydrometeorological monitoring of Vernagtferner as an essential basis for snow and glacier modelling in the GLOWA-Danube project , Proceedings of the conference "Water in mountain areas, better observations for better forecasting" of the Societe Hydrotechnique France in Lyon, 16-17 March 2011 , Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Braun, L. (2011): Vergleich der Bedeutung des Eisschmelzanteils für den Abfluss eines zentralasiatischen mit einem mitteleuropäischen Einzugsgebiet , Tag der Hydrologie 2011 , Vienna, Austria , Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): On the determination of the contribution of glacier melt water along the river network in large-scale river basins , 15th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, February 2011 , Munich , Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. and Mauser, W. (2011): The Influence of Snow- and Ice-melt on Hydropower in the Upper Danube Watershed under Future Climate Conditions , 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting, February 2011 , Munich , Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Marke, T., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2011): Large scale integrated hydrological modelling of the impact of climate change on the water balance with DANUBIA , Adv. Sci. Res., 7, doi:10.5194/asr-7-61-2011 , pp. 61-70 , Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): Distributed modelling of snow- and ice-melt in the Lhasa River basin from 1971 to 2080 , Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate (Proceedings of an international symposium, H02, held during IUGG2011 in Melbourne, Australia, July 2011), IAHS Publ. 346, pp. 57-64 , Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Mauser, W. and Weber, M. (2011): Water scarcity for lowland cultures as a consequence of climate change impacts on mountainous headwatersheds? , ESF-LFUI Conference "Water Governance: Meeting the Challenges of Global Change", 5-10 June 2011 , Obergurgl, Austria , Abstract, published.

Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): GLOWA-Danube: Integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies for the future of water in the Upper Danube Basin , Danube News, Nr. 23 , Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. and Mauser, W. (2011): Klimawandel und Energie - Einfluss der Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze auf die Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau , KW - Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, Nr. 6 , pp. 319-328 , Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): GLOWA-Danube: Integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies for the future of water in the Upper Danube Basin , XXVth Conference of the Danubian Countries, 16-17 June 2011 , Budapest, Hungary , Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M. (2011): Can climate change mitigation reduce water stress? , Proceedings of the Workshop "Water management options in a globalised world - Promoting the dialogue between economics, ethics and other disciplines" in Bad Schönbrunn, Switzerland, June 2011 ( , Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Bach, H., Masuer, W., Appel. F. and Weber, M. (2011): How will hydroelectric power generation develop under climate change scenarios? A case study in the Upper Danube basin , Energies, 4, 1508-1541, doi:10.3390/en4101508 , Reviewed, published.

Stagl, J., Prasch, M. und Weidinger, R. (2010): Teilprojekt Hydrologie/Fernerkundung - Klimatisches Waldbrandrisiko, Kapitel 3.3.3 , GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau , München , Article in Book, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. und Mauser, W. (2010): Glowa Danube und die Supertestsite Nationalpark Berchtesgaden , Presentation at the Workshop "Klimafolgenforschung im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden", February 2010 , Berchtesgaden , Abstract, published.

Prasch, M. und Mauser, W. (2010): Globaler Wandel des Wasserkreislaufs am Beispiel der Oberen Donau , In: Arbeitskreis KLIWA (Ed.): 4. KLIWA-Symposium am 3. und 4.12.2009 in Mainz, KLIWA-Berichte, Heft 15 , S. 293-302 , Karlsruhe , Proceeding, published.

Weber, M., Braun, L., Mauser, W. and Prasch. M. (2010): Contribution of rain, snow- and icemelt in the Upper Danube discharge today and in the future , Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 33(2) , pp. 221-230 , Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Prasch, M. and Braun. L. (2010): Relative contribution of snow and ice melt in the Upper Danube discharge today and in the future , 14th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, March 2010 , Milano, Italy , Abstract, published.

Weber, M. und Prasch, M. (2010): Teilprojekt Glaziologie - Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Abflussregime in der Vergangenheit, Kapitel 3.1.8 , GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau , München , Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Stöber, S. and Prasch, M. (2010): Climate change and extreme events: scenarios of changing flood frequencies in the Upper Danube River basin , Presentation at the HydroPredict 2010, September 2010 , Prague, Czech Republic , Abstract, published.

Mauser, W. und Prasch, M. (2010): Klimawandel im Alpenraum - Ergebnisse von GLOWA-Danube , In: Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband (Hrsg.): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Österreich - Präsentation der aktuellen Studien , S. 89-100 , Wien , Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M. (2010): Distributed Process Oriented Modelling of the Future Impact of Glacier Melt Water on Runoff in the Lhasa River Basin in Tibet , Dissertation an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der LMU München, Digitale Hochschulschriften der LMU München, available from , 228 pp. , Munich, Germany , Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Braun, L., Mauser, W. und Prasch, M. (2009): Die Bedeutung der Gletscherschmelze für den Abfluss der Donau gegenwärtig und in der Zukunft. The relevance of glacier melt for the Upper Danube River discharge today and in the future , Mitteilungsblatt des hydrographischen Dienstes in Österreich, Nr. 86 , S. 1-29 , Wien , Proceeding, published.



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