Department für Geographie




Invitation: Christopher Reyer (PIK) speaking on Forests and Forestry in transition

23.01.2023  Pongratz, J.

Liebe Studierende, Dear students,

I’d like to invite you to a presentation and discussion with Christopher Reyer.

Christopher is the head of the Working Group “Forest and Ecosystem Resilience” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. His research focuses on climate change impacts on forests and on all other kinds of socio-ecological systems, adaptation to these impacts as well as how resilience, sustainable development and natural resource management interact with cross-sectoral climate impacts. He is also a driving force behind model inter comparison studies such as ISIMIP to assess climate impacts and uncertainties of climate impact projections. Christopher had been leading the very successful PROFOUND project about European forests under climate change. He is also interested in a variety of related topics ranging from the attribution of climate extremes to novel applications of woody construction material.

For more information please go to Christopher’s homepage:

I would like to invite you all to this presentation and discussion, not only to meet one of the most renowned experts in forest resilience in Germany and to learn about cutting-edge research in a topic connecting all sub disciplines of sustainability geography, but also to take the chance and connect with your fellow students and staff members - along our considerations of reviving our Department as a place of lively exchange!

So please join us on Feb 2 at 10:00 (s.t.) in C 024 in Luisenstraße to learn more about "Forests and Forestry in transition: Climate Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation”.

Julia Pongratz