Department für Geographie





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LIRLAP: Linking Disaster Risk Governance and Land-use Planning: the case of informal settlements in hazard-prone areas in the Philippines

Fachgebiet: Allgemeine Geographie, Geographische Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Forschung, Regionale Geographie, Stadtgeographie
Gefördert durch: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen
Projektwissenschaftler: Dr. Andrea Reimuth, Dr. Liang Emlyn Yang

Laufzeit: 07/2019 - 12/2020


Funded by the BMBF, this project is a collaboration between LMU HER, the Institute for Regional Planning and Development Planning (IREUS, University of Stuttgart) and the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), University of the Philippines. The project seeks to examine urban risk governance and risk-based land-use planning for extremely marginalised communities in Metro Manila, namely the urban poor who live in informal settlements along the region’s waterways.

Key Themes

Based on a stakeholder workshop held in Manila during February 2018, four key project themes were developed:      

1) risk trends and resettlement options with urban growth

2) resilient upgrading

3) resilient retreat

4) capacity building and dissemination.

Through these themes, the project’s expertise will be brought to bear on embedding relocation and upgrading in urban development processes, tailoring participatory resilient retreat planning activities, co-producing climate-adapted upgrading with inhabitants to improve  livelihoods, and integrating resilience planning via stakeholder capacity building and through a joint PhD programme. 

Our Role

The sub-project Urban Growth, Risk Scenarios and Future Settlement Options aims to analyze and assess the influences of Manila's urban growth with regard to two main effects: first, with regard to the effects on the exposure of existing and growing informal settlements to natural hazards; secondly, with regard to the implications for the future availability and suitability of spaces for new and relocations. The results and new methodical developments are not only used scientifically, but also prepared for training and teaching content and disseminated in the region for transfer.

Building on a modeling and scenario approach, first of all it is examined what influence the future urban growth of Manila (spreading and densification) will have on the growth of informal settlements in zones of high natural hazards. Secondly, it examines how urban growth affects the future availability and suitability of land for resettlement measures. It is assumed that such areas will become increasingly scarce due to the development pressure on the area. The SLEUTH model is used and further developed for the modeling. The underlying assumptions for the scenarios are worked out and defined on a transdisciplinary basis with stakeholders on site. The work of this sub-project supports the "future proofing" of the measures developed in the other work packages regarding the resettlement and upgrading of informal settlements.


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) - Department für Geographie

Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen (
Dr. Liang Emlyn Yang (

Address: Luisenstraße 37, 80333 München
Tel.: +49-89-2180-4141
Fax: +49-89-2180-4142

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