Department für Geographie





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FReCom: Flood risk management and resilience building at community level in rapidly growing cities in China and Germany

Fachgebiet: Allgemeine Geographie, Geographische Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Forschung, Regionale Geographie, Stadtgeographie
Gefördert durch: Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (DFG-NSFC)

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen, Dr. Liang Emlyn Yang
Projektwissenschaftler: M.Sc. Wenhan Feng, M.Sc. Jiachang Tu, Dr. Anne von Streit, Dr. Mia Wannewitz

Laufzeit: 01/2021 - 12/2024

Upcoming events

The FreCom project will organize a networking workshop "Risk Management and Resilience Building for Sustainable Development", on September 24-25, 2024 at Beijing 


Faced with an increasing frequency and intensity of urban flooding, current regimes of planning and risk reduction are being called into question, not only in Germany and China but in many other parts of the world as well. With further sprawl and densification of cities combined with unfolding climate change the challenges are only to get worse in the future. Forwarding-looking resilience building is hence of high urgency. 

Yet, scientific knowledge gaps remain in two key respects: First, while forward-looking assessments of urban risk typically focus on the projections of future hazards trends, valid tools to assess future trends in socio-economic exposure and vulnerability are largely lacking, particularly at the sub-city scale. Second, the debate around adaptation and resilience is still heavily concerned with conceptual wheel spinning while the scientific knowledge on practical solutions to build resilience is still limited, particularly at the local community scale. FReCom aims at tackling these two knowledge gaps through collaboration of two of the leading groups in this field. 

A series of joint meetings coupled with the exchange of core-researchers of both groups will facilitate cooperation towards five key aims: (1) development of a joint conceptual framework and methodological approach on future-oriented urban risk assessment and resilience evaluation science; (2) feasibility assessment workshops in Beijing and Munich to evaluate the proposed research agenda with scientific peers and non-scientific stakeholders against the German and Chinese contexts; (3) the publication of two keystone papers in high-ranking scientific outlets to present the developed research agenda; (4) joint development of at least one large-scale research grant proposal for conducting the suggested research at a larger scale (cross-cultural comparison of multiple cities); (5) joint supervision of ongoing PhD studies in both groups. In doing so, the project will promote long-term cooperation of two of the leading groups in the field of urban resilience science, thereby propelling the scientific field as a whole.

Kickoff meeting on February 10, 2021

The kick off meeting was hold on February 10, 2021 in a hybrid way that most of Chinese team members met in person while the German members were connected on video. Dr. Emlyn Yang at Munich chaired the meeting with a warm welcome to all. Prof. Xiangzheng Deng (CAS) and Prof. Matthias Garschagen (LMU) gave short welcome speeches to open the meeting. Then the 15 participants from the both sides introduced themselves. The meeting went on with extensive discussions on specific research areas, methodological framework, people exchange, and planned joint workshops.


Overall, the kick-off meeting promoted bilateral understanding of the project members, and clarified the specific tasks and research activities of the both sides. It laid a sound foundation for further exchanges and cooperation, and thus promoted a smooth and efficient implementation of the joint project. 


Workshop at Munich

International workshop on Flood Risk and Resilience at Community Level, was hold at LMU Munich on 01-02 December 2022. 

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