Department für Geographie





Letzte Aktualisierung: 04.06.2024 13:39 Uhr




26-50 von 2419



Hajat, S., Gampe, D., & Petrou, G. (2024): Contribution of Cold Versus Climate Change to Mortality in London, UK, 1976–2019., American Journal of Public Health, Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Schwingshackl, C., Böhnisch, A., Mittermeier, M., Sandstad, M., & Wood, R. R. (2024): Applying global warming levels of emergence to highlight the increasing population exposure to temperature and precipitation extremes. , Earth System Dynamics, 15(3), 589-605, Reviewed, published.

Teebken, Julia (2024): Disrupt and unlock? The role of actors in urban adaptation path-breaking, Buildings and Cities, 162–181, DOI:, Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Schwingshackl, C., Böhnisch, A., Mittermeier, M., Sandstad, M., Wood, R. (2024): Applying global warming levels of emergence to highlight the increasing population exposure to temperature and precipitation extremes , Earth System Dynamics, Reviewed, published.

Aschenbrenner, M., and Winder, G.M. (2023): Deciding port futures: Ports of Auckland, Marine Spatial Planning and contested ethics in Blue Economy plan making, In C.P. Heidkamp, J.E. Morrissey, and C. Germond-Duret (eds.) Blue Economy: People and regions in Transitions, Routledge’s Dynamics of Economic Space Series , 159-173, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2023): Conceptualizing entangled Blue Economy and Marine Spatial Planning: Netting Blue Growth and Sustainable Seas in the UK , In C.P. Heidkamp, J.E. Morrissey, and C. Germond-Duret (eds.) Blue Economy: People and regions in Transitions, in Routledge’s Dynamics of Economic Space Series, 127-140, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, Article in Book, published.

E. Felsche, A. Böhnisch, R. Ludwig (2023): Inter-seasonal connection of typical European heatwave patterns to soil moisture, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Reviewed, published.

Aschenbrenner, M., Winder, G. (2023): Deciding port futures: Ports of Auckland, Marine Spatial Planning and contested ethics in Blue Economy plan making, C. P. Heidkamp, J. E. Morrissey, C. Germond-Duret (Eds.), Blue Economy: People and Regions in Transitions, Routledge, Article in Book, published.

Aschenbrenner, M. (2023): The political ecology of a diverse urban ethics of marine stewardship in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, R. Acosta, E. Dürr, M. Ege, U. Prutsch, C. v. Loyen, G. Winder (Eds.), Urban ethics as research agenda: Outlooks and tensions on multidisciplinary debates, Routledge, Article in Book, published.

Demeterova, Barbara (2023): Assessing regional capabilities-oriented approaches for European just and sustainable transitions, Regional Studies, Reviewed, published.

PROBST, E. & MAUSER, W. (2023): Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Danube River Basin: A Hydrological Modelling Study Using EURO-CORDEX Climate Scenarios, Water 15(1), 8, DOI: 10.3390/w15010008, Reviewed, published.

A. Böhnisch, E. Felsche, R. Ludwig (2023): European heatwave tracks: Using causal discovery to detect recurring pathways in a single-regional climate model large ensemble, Environmental Research Letters, Reviewed, published.

Demeterova, Barbara (2023): Urban and Regional Planning for Territorial Cohesion. In: Medeiros, Eduardo (Ed.) (2023): Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion., Springer, Article in Book, published.

CHERIF, E., FEILHAUER, H., BERGER, K., EWALD, M., HANK, T. & KATTENBORN, T. (2023): From spectra to functional plant traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data, EGU 2023, 23.-28. April 2023, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Leonhard Hufnagl, Roland Eichinger, Hella Garny, Thomas Birner, Ales Kuchar, Patrick Jöckel, Phoebe Graf (2023): Stratospheric Ozone Changes damp the CO2-induced Acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation, American Meteorological Society - Journal of Climate, Reviewed, published.

Ferri, A. und M. Popp (2023): Mind the gap: navigating the space between digital and physical wayfinding in public transit, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 23 (1), 63-84, Reviewed, published.

B Dashpurev, M Dorj, TN Phan, J Bendix, L Lehnert (2023): Estimating fractional vegetation cover and aboveground biomass for land degradation assessment in eastern Mongolia steppe: combining ground vegetation data and remote sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing , Reviewed, published.

Schmude, Jürgen / Bartl, Elisabeth (2023): Tourismuswirtschaft, Wirtschaftsgeographie Deutschland , 23, Berlin, Article in Book, published.

Krajňák, T. / Vágner, J. / Schmude, J. (2023): Urban tourists’ psychological responses to terrorism: Framework analysis of fear-arousing walking interviews, European Journal of Tourism Research, Varna, Abstract, accepted.

CHERIF, E., FEILHAUER, H., BERGER, K., DAOI, P.D., EWALD, M., HANK, T.B., KOVACHI, K.R., TOWNSEND, P.A., WANG, Z. & KATTENBORN, T. (2023): From spectra to plant functional traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data. , Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 292, 113580,, Reviewed, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A. & HANK, T. (2023): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning., EARSeL Symposium 3.-6. July 2023, Bucharest (Romania), Abstract, published.

HANK, T. (2023): Ein hyperspektraler Blick auf unsere Erde - Anwendungen der Daten des EnMAP-Satelliten., DGLR-Magazin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Ausgabe 2/2023. , Article in Book, published.

Namberger, P. / Bernhard, L. / Böll, V. / Lehmann S. / Radowsky, N. (2023): Mehr als nur ein Pop-Up-Phänomen? Veränderte Wahrnehmungen des öffentlichen Raums durch die Errichtung von Freischankflächen im Zuge der Umnutzung urbaner Flächen während der Corona-Pandemie am Beispiel Münchens (Changed Perceptions of Public Space Through the Construction of Outdoor Bar Areas in the Course of the Conversion of Urban Areas during the Corona Pandemic, using the Example of Munich), Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft (Annals of the Austrian Geographical Society), Vol. 164., Reviewed, published.

Marius J. Pohl, Lukas W. Lehnert, Boris Thies, Konstantin Seeger, Mónica B. Berdugo, S. Robbert Gradstein, Maaike Y. Bader & Jörg Bendix (2023): Valleys are a potential refuge for the Amazon lowland forest in the face of increased risk of drought, Communications Earth & Environment, Reviewed, published.

Acosta, R., Dürr, E., Ege, M., Prutsch, U., van Loyen, C., Winder, G.M. (ds.) (2023): Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions in Multidisciplinary Debates., Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York, Book, in press.



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