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Prof. Dr.  Gordon Winder

Prof. Dr. Gordon Winder

Professor of Economic Geography and Sustainability Research

Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.04.2024 16 Uhr





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Winder, G.M., (2016): Problems with Nature in the Trading Environments of the McCormick Reaper, 1850-1902. , Chapter in G.M.Winder and A.Dix (eds.), Trading Environments: Frontiers, Commercial Knowledge and Environmental Transformation, 1750-1990. , 85-117 , New York , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. and Dix, A., (2016): Frontier Exchanges: Commercial Calculation and Environmental Transformation , Chapter in G.M.Winder and A.Dix (eds.), Trading Environments: Frontiers, Commercial Knowledge and Environmental Transformation, 1750-1990 , 263-272 , New York , Article in Book, published.

Jackisch, S., Namberger, P., and Winder, G.M. (2016): Rentabilität beim grenzüberschreitenden Tanken am Beispiel der Region Selb-Asch im deutsch-tschechischen Grenzraum. , Europa Journal 23(3) , 17-32 , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M. (with Dürr, E.) (2016): Garbage at Work: Ethics, Subjectivation and Resistance , in R. Duschinsky, S. Schnall and D. Weiss (eds.), Purity and Danger Now: New Perspectives, Routledge , 52-68 , New York , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2015): Peter Holland, Home in the Howling Wilderness: Settlers and the Environment in Southern New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press (2013) 256 pages, ISBN 978-1-86940-739-1. , Agricultural History, 89(2): pp. 316-317. , 2 , Proceeding, published.

Winder, G.M. (2015): Historical Geography as Bridge or Island? , chapter in Jan-Erik Steinkrüger, Winfried Schenk (Hg.), Zwischen Geschichte und Geographie, zwischen Raum und Zeit Beiträge der Tagung vom 11. und 12. April 2014 an der Universität Bonn. , 7 , Berlin , Proceeding, published.

Winder, G.M. (2015): Historical Geography , in James Wright (editorin-chief), International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevier Press, pp. 17-22. , 6 , Oxford , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. and Schmitt, M., (2014): Imaginative geographies in reports of the assassinations of Mr. Ghandi and Mrs. Ghandi in The New York Times. , Journal of Historical Geography 45 July , 106-115 , Reviewed, published.

Häuber, C., Schütz, F. X., and Winder, G.M. (eds.) (2014): Reconstruction and the Historic City: Rome and Abroad, an Interdisciplinary Approach. , BWM 6,ISBN: 978-3-931349-41-7 (2014) available at: , Munich , Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2014): “Reconstruction and Narrative: Re-imagining Auckland's Heritage in Walking Tour Guides.” , In Häuber, C., Schütz, F-X., and Winder, G.M. (eds.), Reconstruction and the Historic City: Rome and Abroad, an Interdisciplinary Approach. Munich: LMU Munich, BWM 6, ISBN: 978-3-931349-41-7 (2014). available at: , 245-259 , Munich , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2014): “The Work of Reconstruction” , In Häuber, C., Schütz, F-X., and Winder, G.M. (eds.), Reconstruction and the Historic City: Rome and Abroad, an Interdisciplinary Approach. Munich: LMU Munich, BWM 6, ISBN: 978-3-931349-41-7, available at: , 269-271 , Munich , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2013): Telecommunications Technology and News of Disaster: Earthquake Reporting in The Los Angeles Times, 1917-1939 , In M. Hampf and S. Müller-Pohl (eds.), Global Communication Electric: Business, News and Politics in the World of Telegraphy: 275-301 , Frankfurt and New York , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2012): The American Reaper: Harvesting Networks and Technology, 1830-1910. Ashgate Publishing , (eBook Published 1 April 2016, London: Imprint Routledge, DOI 278 pages, eBook ISBN 9781315612393) , 278 , Farnham, UK and Burlington, USA , Book, published.

Dürr, E. und Winder, G.M. (2012): Naturerfahrungen und Identitätskonstruktionen in Aotearoa Neuseeland , in T. Kirchhoff, V. Vicenzotti, und A. Voigt (HG), Sehnsucht nach Natur: Über den Drang nach draußen in der heutigen Freizeitkultur , 20 , Bielefeld , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2012): Mediating Foreign Disasters: The Los Angeles Times and International Relief, 1891-1914 , In A. Janku, G.J. Schenk, und F. Mauelshagen (eds.), Historical Disasters in Context: Science, Religion, and Politics , 32 , New York and Abingdon, UK , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2012): The Los Angeles Times Reports Japanese Earthquakes, 1923-1995 , In C. Mauch and S. Mayer (eds.), American Environments: Climate-Cultures-Catastrophe , 25 , Heidelberg , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2012): Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Neuseeland , Geographische Rundschau Oktober 10 , 6 , Braunschweig , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M. (2011): Market Solutions? , in L. Culver, et. al., Revisiting Risk Society: A Conversation with Ulrich Beck. Rachel Carson Center Perspectives Series 2011/6 , 3 , Munich , Proceeding, published.

Winder, G.M. (2011): Mediating a Global Network in Crisis: The New York Times Maps the Moral Geography of Global Finance , In E. Schultz and H. Okano (eds.), Creating Cities: Culture, Space and Sustainability: The City, Culture and Society (CCS) Conference, Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, URP GCOE Document 11, (2011): 90-97 , 8 , Osaka , Proceeding, published.

Winder, G.M. (2011): Between Myopia and Criminal Neglect , Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1): 29-31 , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M. and Lewis, N. (2010): Northland: Sustainable Development, Regional Geography and Learning in the Field , New Zealand Geographer 66(2): 97-104, Editors' introduction to the Special Issue "Practising a New Regional Geography in Northland" , 8 , Auckland , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M. (2010): Imagining Geography and Citizenship in the Networked Newspaper: La Nacion Reports the Assassination at Sarajevo, 1914 , Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, special issue: Global Communication: Telecommunication and Global Flows of Information in the Late 19th and Early Twentieth Century, 35(1): 140-166 , 27 , Köln , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M., and Rees, E. (2010): Fish and Boats: Fisheries Management Issues in Northland , New Zealand Geographer 66(2): 152-168 , 17 , Auckland , Reviewed, published.

Winder, G.M. (2010): The Manufacturing Belt , In B. Wharf (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Sage Reference , 6 , Thousand Oaks , Article in Book, published.

Winder, G.M. (2010): London’s Global Reach? Reuters News and Network 1865, 1881 and 1914 , Journal of World History 21(2): 271-296 , 26 , Honolulu , Reviewed, published.



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