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Dr.  Eoin Grealis

Dr. Eoin Grealis


Letzte Aktualisierung: 18.07.2022 21:50 Uhr



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Matschoss, K., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Backhaus, J., Goggins, G., Grealis, E., et al. (2021): Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches. , Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1): , 136-152 , Reviewed, published.

Sahakian, M., Rau, H., Grealis, E. et al. (2021): Challenging social norms to recraft practices: a living lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries. , Energy Research and Social Science, 72, 101881 , Reviewed, published.

Cathal O’Donoghue, C. Chyzheuskaya, Grealis, E., Kilcline, K., Finnegan, W., Goggins, J. Hynes, S., Ryan M (2019): Measuring GHG Emissions Across the Agri‐Food Sector Value Chain: The Development of a Bioeconomy Input‐Output Model , Journal on Food System Dynamics , Reviewed, published.

Grealis, E., Musch, A. and Rau, H. (2019): The Impact of German Energy Policy on Household Energy Use. In F. Fahy, G. Goggins and C. Jensen (eds.) Energy Demand Challenges in Europe: Implications for policy, planning and practice. , 21-33 , Cham: Palgrave Macmillan , Article in Book, published.

Jensen, C. L., Goggins, G., Fahy, F., Grealis, E., Vadovics, E., Genus, A., & Rau, H. (2018): Towards a practice-theoretical classification of sustainable energy consumption initiatives: Insights from social scientific energy research in 30 European countries. Energy Research & Social Science. , Reviewed, published.

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