Department für Geographie




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M.Sc.  Stefanie Steinhauser

M.Sc. Stefanie Steinhauser

Wissenschaftler/in (Drittmittel)
PhD Student

Letzte Aktualisierung: 24.04.2024 16:31 Uhr



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HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., BANZE, A. & WOCHER, M. (2024): Towards informed default-parametrizations of machine-learning algorithms for biophysical variable retrieval in the EnMAP-Box , 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy , Valencia (Spain) , Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning , 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy , Valencia (Spain) , Abstract, published.

VAN DER LINDEN, S., JAKIMOW, B., JANZ, A., THIEL, F., CHABRILLAT, S., SCHEFFLER, D., KÖLLNER, N., DAEMPFLING, H., GUILLASO, S., WARD, K., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., SOPPA. M.A., ALVARADO, L., BRACHER, A. & HOSTERT, P. (2024): EnMAP-Box: High-Level Anwendungen für Hyperspektraldaten kommen in der Anwendung an. , Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2024, BMDV , Berlin , Abstract, published.

BELGIU, M., MARSHALL, M., CANDIANI, G., BOSCHETTI, M., PEPE, M., NUTINI, F., ROSSINI, M., FERRÈ, CH., PANIGADA, C., COLOMBO, R., HAEFELE, S., LARK, M., MILNE, A., KANGARA, G., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., VARGAS M. et al. (2024): Earth Observation for estimating and predicting crop nutrients , ESA Workshop EO for Agriculture under Pressure 13.-16.5.2024 , Frascati (Italy) , Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Introducing the potential of the new hybrid retrieval processor in the EnMAP-Box for quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation. , International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) , Athens (Greece) , Proceeding, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A. & HANK, T. (2023): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning. , EARSeL Symposium 3.-6. July 2023 , Bucharest (Romania) , Abstract, published.

VERRELST, J, HALABUK, A., ATZBERGER, C., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S. & BERGER, K. (2023): A comprehensive survey on quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation cover and biomass from imaging spectroscopy , Ecological Indicators, Volume 155, 110911, , Reviewed, published.

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