Department of Geography

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The teaching focus at the RTU “Physical Geography and Land Use Systems” covers all sub-fields of physical geography (geomorphology/geology, soil science/soil geography, hydrology, climatology, vegetation geography/landscape ecology). These form the basis for other key topics in applied geography (e.g. ecozone theory, high mountain geography, land use, geohazard management, research on climate change impacts).

The education in regional geography includes selected core focuses on Bavaria, Germany and Europe. Likewise, different areas and eco-zones outside of Europe are presented (e.g. African drylands, high mountains of the world, tropical Africa). In addition, the teaching of the holistic spectrum of geographical methods (e.g. field and laboratory methods, excursions, field exercises) is of great importance.

Methodological courses also cover Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as well as environmental and climate modeling. The results of current research at the department are incorporated into numerous courses. For example, the SWAT model or the renowned MPI-ESM climate model run by the German Climate Computing Center in Hamburg are used in selected courses.

The teaching unit’s subject-specific didactic training of student teachers of all types of schools and subject or subject group combinations that include geography should be emphasized. The complete training covers, for example, the theoretical basics of subject didactics as well as a broad spectrum of teaching methodology based on the current findings of subject didactic research. The practical training includes the mentoring of school internships in accordance with the chosen courses of study, which are conducted in close cooperation with the assignment schools. In addition, the student teachers have the opportunity to practice the theoretical contents in seminars, e.g. in teaching practices. Additionally, the constant exchange with schools allows the transfer of knowledge between schools and current research.

Information on specific courses

*Partly only available with access data

13.12.2018  Loughran, T.
Große Exkursion - Südwestdeutsches Schichtstufenland und Westliches Alpenvorland

Ankuendigung_english.pdf  [480 KB, 12.12.2023 19:26 Uhr]

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