Department of Geography

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About us

At the Chair of Economic Geographies of the Future, we are interested in the organization and evolution of economic relations from a spatial perspective. We theorize the networks, institutions and governance of innovation and social transition towards inclusive and sustainable regional futures. Our research is based on three analytical concepts:

  • Networks describe connections between people or organizations, where we interpret the structure of these connections as a condition for both the individual and collective actions of actors. We examine the mechanisms of network evolution in innovation processes, in the governance of natural resources, and in societal transition. With our approach of Situational Organizational Network Analysis (SONA) we support business firms and other organizations to better achieve the goals of their cooperation.
  • Institutions are relatively stable patterns of social interactions that are based on legitimate mutual expectations and that are enforced by social sanctions. They create certainty of expectations and yet they vary across geographical and institutional contexts. We investigate the emergence and change of institutions, institutional characteristics of regional economies [Baden-Württemberg; Coventry; Basque Country] and their influence on the diffusion or impediment of innovation.
  • Governance describes the coordination of distinct stakeholders, being interdependently linked by a collective problem, toward the achievement of consensual goals. Particularly in inter-company innovation processes, value creation based on the division of labor or the collective use of resources, the tasks of regulation and decision-making go beyond the influence of state authority and require collective negotiation processes. We analyze the networks and institutional processes of new forms of governance and develop concepts and measures to promote the legitimacy of collective control.

Using these concepts, we deal with empirical challenges in different regions, on different geographical scales and in diverse fields of application, such as the bioeconomy, tourism, resource economies, public education and research, patent jurisdiction, the creative industries or civil society.

Postal Address
Chair of Economic Geographies oft he Future
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
Secretary’s office
Andrea Beigel and Maria Beck
+49 (0) 89 / 2180-4074

When you visit us
... the chair is located in the building of the Department of Geography. We are on the third floor, on the left. Google Maps will help you find your way. You can find our offices on the floor plan.