Personal profile
Post address
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Wirtschaftsgeographie
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
Home address
Luisenstraße 37
3. Stock
80333 München
Room A 335
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 4071
Office hours
Sprechstunde in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit:
Do 26.9. 14-16 Uhr
Sprechstunden im WS 24/25 (ab 17.10.24):
Do 16-18 Uhr
Further information on the person
Research priorities
Affiliated LMU Professor and member of the Board of Studies, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU-Munich.
Member of the Advisory Board for the Munich Centre for Global History, LMU Munich.
Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Historical Geography.
Born in New Zealand, I gained my PhD in Geography from the University of Toronto, worked at Mount Allison University and Brandon University in Canada and the University of Auckland, New Zealand before moving to the LMU-Munich.
Formerly Dean of Studies in Geography at the LMU Munich and member of the DFG funded research group 'Urban Ethics'.
I conduct economic geography research on resources and sustainability with special attention to natural resources management, disaster recovery, the development of sustainable business enterprises and networks, and the effectiveness of policies designed to promote innovation, transformation, or resilience in the face of shocks. This involves researching interactions among resources, governance, innovation, markets and environments with sustainability as a driving conccern. As solutions to chronic environmental problems are sought by some in the formation of new markets it is vital to research aspects of resources and their effects on environments, market formation, the implications of trade for environments, and the implications of the cultures of markets for environments. In addition, I continue to research historical geographies of globalization, This research focus is advanced through three thematic agendas:
KEYWORDS - bio-economies, Blue Economy, environmental economic geography, environmental ethics, gegraphies of sustainability transitions, innovation for sustainability, innovative commodity chains, resilience, sustainable manufacturing, urban ethics.
Acosta, R., Dürr, E., Ege, M., Prutsch, U., van Loyen, C., and Winder, G.M., (2023) Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions on Multidisciplinary Debates. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (forthcoming).
Aschenbrenner, M., and Winder, G.M. (2019) Planning for a sustainable marine future? A critical analysis of Marine Spatial Planning in the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the North Sea, Applied Geography 110: 102050.
Kapfhammer, W., and Winder, G.M., (2020) Slow Food, shared values and empowerment in an alternative commodity chain linking Brazil and Europe. Sociologus 70(2): 101-122.
Blicharska, M., et al., (2020) Between biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management - A multidisciplinary assessment of the emblematic Bialowieza Forest case. Biollgical Conservation 248: 1-15.
Dürr, E., Ege, M., Moser, J., Neumann, C.K., and Winder, G.M., (2020) Urban ethics - Towards a research agenda on cities, ethics and normativity. City, Culture and Society 20: 1-11.
Winder, G.M. (ed.), (2017) Fisheries, Quota Management and Quota Transfer: Rationalization Through Bio-economics. Berlin: Springer.
Winder, G.M. and Le Heron, R. (2017) Assembling a Blue Economy moment? Geographical engagement with globalising biological-economic relations in multi-use marine environments. Dialogues in Human Geography 7(1): 3-26.
Bobar, A. and Winder, G.M., (2017) Der Begriff der Resilienz in der Human-geographie. In M. Karidi, M. Schneider and R. Gutwald (eds.), Resilienz: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Wandel und Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer: 83-102.
KEYWORDS -- disaster recovery, insurance, livelihoods, media and disaster, memories of disaster, resilience, risk, vulnerability
RECENT PUBLISHINGWinder, G.M.,, and Hofmann, S.Z., (2020) The challenges posed by UN-Habitat's rural-urban linkages in a sustainability transition agenda: The case of the Christchurch, New Zealand rebuild. In A. Kratzer and J. Kister (eds.), Rural-Urban Linkages for Susrainable Development. New York and London: Routledge.
Zavareh, S., and Winder, G.M., (2021) Dynamic economic resilience scenarios for measuring long-term community housing recovery. Environmental Hazards 21: 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2021.1962784
KEYWORDS -- global publics, global reach, manufacturing belt, trading environments, webs of enterprise,
RECENT PUBLISHINGWinder, G.M., (2020) Reaching the global public: Going international in a difficult market, 1935-1936. in V. Huber and J. Osterhammel (eds.), Global Publics: Their Power and their Limits. Oxford: Studies of the German Historical Institute London, Oxford University Press: 115-143.
Winder, G.M., (2019) The world market: Conceptualizing the world economy. Invited chapter for S.R.Sippel (ed.), 'Global Economic Entanglements, Area Studies and Transregional Perspectives.' Section IV of M.Middell (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies (2 volumes) of the Centre for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig, London and New York: Routledge: 221-234.
Winder, G.M., and Dix, A. (eds.) (2016) Trading Environments: Frontiers, Commercial Knowledge and Environmental Transformation, 1750-1990.' (Routledge, Environment and Society Series).
Dr. Eugene Rees, 'In what sense a fisheries problem? Negotiating sustainable growth in New Zealand fisheries.` The University of Auckland (completed 2005).
Arun Adhikari, 'Societal recovery in Nepal after the 2015 earthquakes: An assessment at community and household level,' with Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich.
with Rachel Carson Center, LMU.
GW July 2023
Research projects
Urbane Umweltethik am Rande der Stadt: Die Herstellung ethischer Bürgerinnen für Aucklands "blue backyard" (01.05.2018 - 31.12.2022) >> more
Langfristiger Wiederaufbau nach Katastrophen in urbanen Gemeinschaften (01.02.2018 - 31.01.2020) >> more
Holzzukunft oder Holzweg? Chancen, Barrieren und Kompromisse einer veränderten Nutzung von Holz als Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen Transformation (17.06.2013 - 14.06.2017) >> more