Personal profile
Post address
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Physische Geographie und Erdsysteminteraktionen
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
Home address
Luisenstraße 37
2. Stock
80333 München
Room C216
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 21806629 - 6629
e-mail: shraddha.gupta[at]lmu[dot]de
Office hours
Mo-Fr, 09:00 - 17:00 and by agreement
Further information on the person
Guest Researcher at Research Department 4: Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany.
ORCID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn | Twitter
Research priorities
Quantify the Earth system response to pathways achieving climate neutrality by Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) deployment.
Set up, run and analyze model simulations of the ICON/MPI Earth System Model and contribute to the design of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) scenarios. Quantify the Earth system response to pathways achieving climate neutrality by CDR deployment through further developing methods of “detection and attribution” in order to improve recommendations on the setup of observational systems for early detection of CDR signals and side effects. A special focus lies on Earth system feedbacks and aspects of reversibility and environmental risks under scenarios of temperature overshoot.
Research projects
RESCUE (Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions) (01.08.2023 - 31.08.2026) >> more