Department für Geographie





Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.09.2024 14:22 Uhr


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MÜLLER, C., JÄGERMEYR, J., FRANKE, J.A., RUANE, A.C., BALKOVIC, J., CIAIS, P., FALLOON, P., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS, L., HANK, T., HOFFMANN, N., IZAURRALDE, C., KHABAROV, N., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PUGH, T.A.M., WANG, X., WILLIAMS, K., ZABEL, F. & ELLIOTT, J.W. (2024): Substantial differences in modeled crop yield sensitivities between models., Earth's Future, 12,, e2023EF003773, Reviewed, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Introducing the potential of the new hybrid retrieval processor in the EnMAP-Box for quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation., International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Athens (Greece), Proceeding, published.

Petzold, J., Kosanic, A., Rakoto Joseph, F., Rajaonarivelo Andrianina, P., Ranaivosoa-Toandro, S. M., Andriamihaja, O. R., Voahanginirina, L. M., Thien, L. and Razanajatovo, M. (2024): Nature's contributions to human well-being under climate change: Evidence from Central and Eastern Madagascar , People and Nature, Reviewed, published.

Khardani, C. / Schmude, J. / Namberger, P. (2024): Crisis planning among tour operators: an evaluation of small, medium-sized and large enterprises, International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP), Vol. 14 (2). 10.1504/IJTP.2024.137162, Reviewed, published.

Grant, L. D., Kirsch, B., Bukowski, J., Falk, N. M., Neumaier, C. A., Sakradzija, M., et al. (2024): How Variable are Cold Pools?, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL10678,, Reviewed, published.

VAN DER LINDEN, S., JAKIMOW, B., JANZ, A., THIEL, F., CHABRILLAT, S., SCHEFFLER, D., KÖLLNER, N., DAEMPFLING, H., GUILLASO, S., WARD, K., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., SOPPA. M.A., ALVARADO, L., BRACHER, A. & HOSTERT, P. (2024): EnMAP-Box: High-Level Anwendungen für Hyperspektraldaten kommen in der Anwendung an., Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2024, BMDV, Berlin, Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOSÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., BANZE, A. & WOCHER, M. (2024): Towards informed default-parametrizations of machine-learning algorithms for biophysical variable retrieval in the EnMAP-Box, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

Popp, M; Rau, H. und J. Mahne-Bieder (2024): Auf dem Weg zum Fahrradland – Barrieren von Nicht-Radfahrer*innen identifizieren und überwinden, Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 10 Seiten, Reviewed, published.

CHABRILLAT, S., BRELL, M., SEGL, K., FOERSTER, S., MILEWSKI, R., ASADZADEH, S., WARD, K., SCHEFFLER, D., KOKHANOVSKY, A., GUILASSO, S., BROSINSKY, A., KOCH, K., HANK, T., BRACHER, A., ALTENBURG-SOPPA, M., SCHICKLING, A. & BOCK, M. (2024): EnMAP Mission After 2 Years in Orbit: Advances from the Scientific Exploitation Program, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., BANZE, A. & WOCHER, M. (2024): Towards informed default-parametrizations of machine-learning algorithms for biophysical variable retrieval in the EnMAP-Box, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

VAN DER LINDEN, S., JAKIMOW, B., JANZ, A., THIEL, F., CHABRILLAT, S., SCHEFFLER, D., KÖLLNER, N., DAEMPFLING, H., GUILLASO, S., WARD, K., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., SOPPA. M.A., ALVARADO, L., BRACHER, A. & HOSTERT, P. (2024): EnMAP-Box: High-Level Anwendungen für Hyperspektraldaten kommen in der Anwendung an., Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2024, BMDV, Berlin , Abstract, published.

PROBST, E., FADER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2024): The water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus in the Danube River Basin: Exploring scenarios and implications of maize irrigation, Science of The Total Environment 914(169405), DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169405, Reviewed, published.

Petzold, J. and Scheffran, J. (2024): Climate change and human security in coastal regions, Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, Reviewed, published.

Miller, J., Böhnisch, A., Ludwig, R., Brunner, M. I. (2024): Climate change and impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous landscapes of central Europe, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Reviewed, published.

BELGIU, M., MARSHALL, M., CANDIANI, G., BOSCHETTI, M., PEPE, M., NUTINI, F., ROSSINI, M., FERRÈ, CH., PANIGADA, C., COLOMBO, R., HAEFELE, S., LARK, M., MILNE, A., KANGARA, G., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., VARGAS M. et al. (2024): Earth Observation for estimating and predicting crop nutrients, ESA Workshop EO for Agriculture under Pressure 13.-16.5.2024, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

Jörges, C., et al. (2024): Learning from hyperspectral remote sensing data for machine learning algorithms in earth science - A case study to detect plastic-covered greenhouses and plastic-mulched farmlands, In: Biodiversität fördern durch digitale Landwirtschaft. C. Hoffmann et al.; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI); Gesellschaft für Informatik, 305-310, Bonn, Germany, Article in Book, published.

Teebken, Julia (2024): Vulnerability locked in. On the need to engage the outside of the adaptation box, Global Environmental Change 85 (102807),, Reviewed, published.

Khardani, Christin / Schmude, Jürgen / Namberger, Philipp (2024): Crisis planning among tour operators: an evaluation of small, medium-sized and large enterprises, International Journal Tourism Policy, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 207-221, UK, Reviewed, published.

Shuxin Ji, Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Thanh Noi Phan, Munkhtsetseg Dorj, Yun Jäschke, Lukas W. Lehnert (2024): Above-ground biomass retrieval with multi-source data: Prediction and applicability analysis in Eastern Mongolia, Land Degradation and Development, Reviewed, published.

Hinzpeter, K. and Winder, Gordon M. (2024): Niche-regine interactions of organic model farmers in Bavaria, Germany: Linking activities of individal farmers., Sustainability, 22, Reviewed, published.

BELGIU, M., MARSHALL, M., CANDIANI, G., BOSCHETTI, M., PEPE, M., NUTINI, F., ROSSINI, M., FERRÈ, CH., PANIGADA, C., COLOMBO, R., HAEFELE, S., LARK, M., MILNE, A., KANGARA, G., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., VARGAS M. et al. (2024): Earth Observation for estimating and predicting crop nutrients, ESA Workshop EO for Agriculture under Pressure 13.-16.5.2024, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Introducing the potential of the new hybrid retrieval processor in the EnMAP-Box for quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation., International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Athens (Greece), Proceeding, published.

Hanqing Bao, Vinzenz Zerres, Lukas Lehnert (2024): Deep Siamese Network for annual change detection in Beijing using Landsat satellite data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Reviewed, published.

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