Department für Geographie






Julia Pongratz

Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz

Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Physische Geographie und Landnutzungssysteme

Direktorin, Department für Geographie


Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Physische Geographie und Erdsysteminteraktionen
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München


Luisenstraße 37
2. Stock
80333 München
Raum A204

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 6652



Aufgrund von sehr unregelmäßiger Nachfrage Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung.

Weitere Informationen zur Person


The vegetation covering the continents has decisive influence on climate, exchanging heat, moisture, momentum, and a variety of chemical materials with the atmosphere. Humans are substantially interfering with this exchange, having transformed three quarter of the ice-free land surface to managed lands, with severe effects on the Earth system; e.g., one quarter of current anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions arise from land use. Effects are expected to become even stronger in the future, as demand for food and fibre rises in a more populous and affluent world, and as the international goal of limiting global warming to two degrees may rely on substantial additional CO2 sinks through land use. 

Our research assesses questions like this:

+ What were the effects of land use change over the last few centuries? A warming, because deforestation caused CO2 emissions and reduced transpiration? Or a cooling, because clearing dark forest made the land surface brighter?

+ How large are the potential of negative emission technologies such as af/reforestation or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage to take up and sequester CO2? How permanent is this carbon storage, could future extreme events annihilate a forest carbon sink? What are the risks and side-effects of NETs?

+ Is it possible to create win-win situations for mitigation and adaption by land use change such as afforestation, where we achieve a reduction in the global atmospheric CO2 concentration concurrently with a local cooling through energy and water fluxes?

+ How can we reduce the large uncertainties around land use emission estimates, integrating model simulations with Earth observations?

+ How can we integrate land management in global Earth system models to assess effects e.g. of forestry harvest and intensification on vegetation and climate?

To this end we combine and develop a range of tools: semi-empirical carbon cycle models (“bookkeeping models”), dynamic global vegetation models and Earth system/climate models, and integrate them with Earth observations (site-level, inventories, remote sensing).

Julia Pongratz is member of the Scientific Steering Committee of two Future Earth projects: the Global Carbon Project, in which she also coordinates land use emission estimates for the annual global carbon budget, and AIMES ("Analysis, Integration & Modelling of the Earth System”), in which she co-chairs the working group on human-Earth system interactions. She is also SSC member for two CMIP6 model intercomparison projects, C4MIP (“Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle MIP”), aiming at a better understanding of carbon cycle feedbacks, and LUMIP (“Land Use MIP”), which investigates projections of land use change and their effects on climate to 2100. Since 2021, she coordinates the synthesis of the BMBF Carbon Dioxide Removal programs.

For external projects see “Forschungsprojekte” below. Until 2021, Julia Pongratz has also been leading the joint research group on "Land use in the Earth system” at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, following an Emmy-Noether group on forest management.


+ New paper: Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023 [2024/06/05]

+ New report: The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal released [2024/06/04], with extensive media coverage, e.g. J. Pongratz in BR24,

+ J. Pongratz provides the expert input to the Kick-off of Germany's Long-term Strategy on Negative Emissions [2024/05/28]

+ New CDRterra policybrief: Empfehlungen für die Langfriststrategie Negativemissionen [2024/05/28] (previous policybrief: Debatte zur Kohlendioxidentnahme: Wer mitreden will, sollte diese Begriffe kennen)

+ New book: Moore: Ökosystemfunktionen, Biodiversität und Renaturierung, edited by Johannes Kollmann, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner and Julia Pongratz [2024/05/15]

+ New CDRterra factsheet: CO2-Entnahme an Land – ein Ãœberblick [2024/05/14]

+ Julia Pongratz appointed member to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences [2024/04/11]

+ Media: Interview with SWR on "Tag des Waldes" [2024/03/21]

+ New paper: Effects of idealized land cover and land management changes on the atmospheric water cycle [2024/03/20]

+ Julia Pongratz appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board for Nature-based Solutions at the German Environment Ministry [2024/03/19]

+ New book: Klimawandel in Deutschland, with contribution by Julia Pongratz on emission reductions through ecosystem-based approaches [2024/02/21] See also this press release.

+++ ... (more teaching awards, publications, media coverage, but less time to list them) ... +++

+ New paper: Overcoming global inequality is critical for land-based mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement [2022/12/03]

+ Events at the UN Climate Conference (COP27) [2022/11/10-12]: e.g., CDRterra at the German Pavilion; panel at Coalition of Rainforest Nations (including Global Carbon Budget rap :-)); UN side-event "2022 GCP Carbon Budget, Scaling Solutions, and the Role of Agriculture”; IPCC event at the “Science for Climate Action” Pavilion on "Estimating GHG Emissions”

+ New paper: Global Carbon Budget 2022 released [2022/11/11], with extensive media coverage, e.g. with J. Pongratz in, SZ (online, print), spiegelonline, BR radioWelt, Welt, Handelsblatt, Washington Post, New York Times; press conference by SMC-Germany 11/08; LMU press release

+ Media: Quarks "CO2 einfach absaugen? Technologien gegen den Klimawandel" [2022/11/19]

+ Media: IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung zu den Folgen der Wahl in Brasilien für den Amazonas-Regenwald [2022/10/31]

+ New paper: Tracking 21st century anthropogenic and natural carbon fluxes through model-data integration (LMU press release) [2022/09/26]

+ New paper: Using the atmospheric CO2 growth rate to constrain the CO2 flux from land use and land cover change since 1900 [2022/09/19]

+ New paper: Intensification of Very Wet Monsoon Seasons in India Under Global Warming [2022/08/04]

+ "Tuesday Discussion" of the Rachel Carson Center; see short presentation here [2022/07/19]

+ LMU teaching award / Lehrinnovationspreis for Julia Pongratz [2022/07/15]

+ Podiumsdiskussion mit PD Dr. Simone Müller, Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz, Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau und Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs im Rahmen des neuen CAS-Schwerpunktes "Climate Futures" [2022/07/05]

+ J. Pongratz provides expert input to the G7 Meeting of the Science Ministers [2022/06/13]

+ New paper: Land-use change emissions based on high-resolution activity data substantially lower than previously estimated [2022/07/17]

+ New book chapter: Bottom-up approaches for estimating terrestrial GHG budgets: Bookkeeping, process-based modeling, and data-driven methods [2022/06]

+ Kick-off of the CDRterra program, coordinated by LMU and opened by the Federal Minister of Education and Research [2022/05/18-20]

+ CAS focus area "Climate Futures: Dialogues across the Science-Society-Policy Interface" started [2022/05]

+ LMU releases their first scrollytelling project: "Ackern für den Klimaschutz" [2022/04/11]

+ Release of the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Working Group 3 "Mitigation of Climate Change" (J. Pongratz contributing author to Chapter 2 "Emissions Trends and Drivers") [2022/04/04]

+ New paper: Effects of Increased Drought in Amazon Forests Under Climate Change: Separating the Roles of Canopy Responses and Soil Moisture [2022/03/26]

+ Talk at the Academy Series of the German Alliance for Global Health Research: "Climate, land use, humans – the new role of terrestrial vegetation in climate neutrality pathways" [2022/02/01]

+ Panelist at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: "Herausforderungen und Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft". [2022/01/27]

+ ARTE 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles: "Kann Geoengineering das Klima retten?" [2022/01/21]

+ New paper (Pongratz et al., Current Climate Change Reports): Land use effects on climate: current state, recent progress, and emerging topics [2021/12/27]

+ New paper: Are land-use change emissions in Southeast Asia increasing or decreasing? [2021/12/24]

+ Contribution of two chapters to "Warnsignal Klima" book: Boden und Landnutzung [2021/11]

+ New paper: A comprehensive and synthetic dataset for global, regional, and national greenhouse gas emissions by sector 1970–2018 with an extension to 2019 [2021/11/10]

+ New data release of the Global Carbon Projects annual global carbon budget, presented at COP26, press coverage e.g. LMU, BR [2021/11/04]

+ Start of nationwide program on Carbon Dioxide Removal, coordinated by LMU, press coverage e.g. LMU, SZ, and to be discussed at COP26 [2021/11/01]

+ New paper: Vulnerability of European ecosystems to two compound dry and hot summers in 2018 and 2019 [2021/10/15]

+ Podcast of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences: Wir haben es in der Hand. [2021/10/09]

+ Panelist at Geowoche (DGfG): Potenzial der Geographie – Maximierung versus Marginalisierung des Schulfachs Geographie [2021/10/08]

+ dena Leitstudie "Aufbruch Klimaneutralität" published (J.P. im wiss. Beirat) [2021/10/07]

+ First, highly interdisciplinary Munich Climate Summer School with contributions by Pongratz, Havermann, Obermeier [2021/09/28-10/01]

+ M94.5-Podcast series "Neutron": Stadt, Land, Fluss - Wie sich Landnutzung auf den Klimawandel auswirkt [2021/09/24]

+ New paper: Slow-down of the greening trend in natural vegetation with further rise in atmospheric CO2 [2021/09/13]

+ New papers: Identification of linear response functions from arbitrary perturbation experiments in the presence of noise – Part I. Method development and toy model demonstration and Part II. Application to the land carbon cycle in the MPI Earth System Model [2021/09]

+ Swiss Climate Summer School. Keynote: “Land use change - a major driver of local, regional and global climate change”, Ascona, Switzerland [2021/08/30]

+ New paper: Past and Future Climate Variability Uncertainties in the Global Carbon Budget Using the MPI Grand Ensemble [2021/08/22]

+ Release of the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Working Group 1 "The Physical Science Basis" (J. Pongratz contributing author to Chapter 5 "Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks") [2021/08/09]

+ LMU Award for Excellent Student Research to Gergana Gyuleva for her bachelor thesis on Amazon deforestation [2021/07/27]

+ Panelist at KIT Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation (ARRTI): "Geoengineering: Clutching at any straw or part of a solution strategy?" [2021/07/07]

+ New paper in Science Advances: Changes in global terrestrial live biomass over the 21st century [2021/07/02]

+ Two new papers out on the same day in Earth System Dynamics: Comparison of uncertainties in land-use change fluxes from bookkeeping model parameterisation and Bookkeeping estimates of the net land-use change flux – a sensitivity study with the CMIP6 land-use dataset [2021/06/30]

+ Talk at Ringvorlesung "Bildung für Klimaschutz": "Das anthropogene Kohlenstoffbudget: Ist der Umkehrpunkt der Emissionen erreicht?" [2021/06/14]

+ Talk at Ringvorlesung of Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice: "Was ist das Problem? Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen" [2021/06/08]

+ Talk at Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) of LMU/TUM: "Climate Change -- Where we are , how we got there and what to do now" [2021/06/07]

+ Poster at the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: "State and future of boreal forest natural climate solutions" [2021/06/02]

+ New paper: The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990–2018 [2021/05/28]

+ Co-organizer and speaker at Webinar by Future Earth and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: Boreal Forests and Climate Change [2021/05/20-21]

+ New paper: Advances in Land Surface Modeling [2021/05/11]

+ Speaker at Planetary Health Academy: Crossing Planetary Boundaries: Climate Change and the Loss of Biodiversity [2021/05/11]

+ New paper: Modelled land use and land cover change emissions – a spatio-temporal comparison of different approaches [2021/05]

+ New paper:Robust increase of Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability under future warming in CMIP6 models. See press release [2021/04/14]

+ New paper: A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018 [2021/03]

+ CAS Blog by J. Pongratz: "Krisen am Umkehrpunkt? Corona und Klimaschutz" [2021/03/16]

+ New paper in Nature: Global and regional drivers of land-use emissions in 1961–2017 [2021/01/27]

+ New paper:  Ten new insights in climate science 2020 – a horizon scan [2021/01/27]

+ New paper: Towards net zero CO2 in 2050: An emission reduction pathway for organic soils in Germany [2021/01/26]

+ The Global Carbon Project, published the Global Carbon Budget 2020, co-authored by LMU researchers Julia Pongratz, Selma Bultan and Kerstin Hartung. LMU press release here. Selected press coverage: Tagesschau, SZ, BR [2020/12/11]
+ The German Committee Future Earth (DKN) approved Prof. Julia Pongratz and Prof. Victor Brovkin to establish a working group for modeling human-environmental interactions in the Anthropocene (HERMITIAN). During 2020-2022, the group will work on land use for carbon dioxide removal and non-linearities in the coupled human-society-ecology system.
+ New paper: Global climate response to idealized deforestation in CMIP6 models [2020/11] See press release here.
+ New paper: Detectability of artificial ocean alkalinization and stratospheric aerosol injection in MPI-ESM [2020/10]

+ Two new papers out on the same day: Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 (New Phytologist) and Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature (Nature Communications) [2020/10/21]
+ Impulsvortrag 20.10.2020 beim LMU Design Thinking Workshop „Wie müssen die Besteuerungssysteme im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung transformiert werden?“

+ New paper: Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP6 models and their comparison to CMIP5 models [2020/10]. Press release at MPI.

+ Virtual seminar to the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science at University of Leeds on 2020/10/13: "Forests as key drivers of local, regional and global climate"

+ Scientists4Future podcast 2020/06: Klimaeffekte der Landnutzung
+ Virtual seminar at the Max Planck Institute for Ageing on 2020/06/30: Land use change - a prime tool for adaptation and mitigation?
+ Webinar on Forest Management and Land Cover Change under Changing Climate by Julia Pongratz and Pierre Ibisch, 2020/06/23 (recording soon online)
+ Vortrag 11.6.2020 am Zentrum für Kultur und Medien, Karlsruhe: Terrestrische Universität: Grundlagen des Klimawandels
+ Press on our drought paper:



... (1:55)


+ New paper: Warm spring explains half of the 2018 drought [2020/06/10]

+ New paper: European anthropogenic AFOLU greenhouse gas emissions: a review and benchmark data [2020/05/01]

+ Keynote talk at the Open Science conference “Managing forests in the 21st century” (PIK/EFI): "Forests as key drivers of local, regional and global change" [2020/03/05]

+ New paper: Sources of uncertainty in regional CO2 exchange estimates [2020/02/07]
+ Keynote talk at the Institute of Geography, University of Augsburg: “Land-based carbon dioxide removal – risks and opportunities” [2020/02/03]

+ New paper: Can models simulate rainfall manipulation experiments? [2020/02/03]

+ New paper: Forest age in an Earth system model [2020/01/27]

+ Press: Global carbon budget 2019: fossil emissions keep rising (SZ) [2019/12/04]

+ New paper: The global carbon budget 2019 [2019/12/04]

+ Talk at Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Colloquium for Applied Ecology and Planning: “Do forests cool or warm the climate?” [2019/12/02]
+ Seminar talk at the Institute of Evolution and Systematics of Plants and Fungi, LMU: “Do forests cool or warm the climate?” [2019/11/27]
+ Panelist at dena Energiewende-Kongress, Berlin: “Klimaneutralität – Aufbruch zu einer Zielbestimmung” [2019/11/25]

+ BR podcast: Treibhausgase einfach wegräumen? [2019/11/19]

+ New paper: Oversights in Bastin et al forest restoration study [2019/10/18]

+ Vortrag 17.10.2019 & 7.10.2019, 18:30, im Kolloquium der Münchner Geographische Gesellschaft: " 'Fridays for Future' - die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen" [2019/08/08]
+ Panelist at German Congress for Geography, Kiel: “Zur Diskussion gestellt: Die 10 wichtigsten Forschungsthemen und Herausforderungen für die Geographie”, "Das Anthropozän und die Geographie – eine große Herausforderung?" [2019/09/27& 29]
+ Aspen Global Change Institute. Walter Orr Roberts Public Lecture: “Climate Consequences of Land Management”, Aspen, USA [2019/09/18]
+ Swiss Climate Summer School. Keynote: “Land use change: a prime tool for mitigation and adaptation?”, Ascona, Switzerland [2019/09/09]

+ Press: Der Wald, der Kühlung bringt (Welt Kompakt) [2019/08/05]

+ Press: Was Millionen Bäume bringen (Welt) [2019/08/02]

+ New paper: High roughness is dominating effect of forests for local climate [2019/07/20]

+ Feature on the research focus of the new chair for Physical Geography and Land Use Systems [2019/07/11]

+ Talk at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies: “Managing climate by managing land”, Amsterdam [2019/06/28]
+ Talk in KlimaCampus Hamburg Colloquium: “Managing climate by managing land”, Hamburg [2019/06/20]

+ Ankündigung: Vortrag im Munich GeoCenter am 17.5.2019, 14 Uhr, HS C006: "Managing Climate by Managing Land"

+ New paper: Strong climate-dependence of potential wood harvest [2019/01/22]

+ New paper: The Max Planck Institute Earth system model MPI-ESM1.2 [2019/01/13]

+ Ankündigung: Antrittsvorlesung am 9.1.2019, 15:00, HS C106: "Ackern für den Klimaschutz"

+ New paper: Non-local effects dominate the biogeophysical effects of deforestation [2018/12/31]

+ Julia Pongratz joining Science's Board of Reviewing Editors [2018/11]

+ New paper: El Niño impacts on land CO2 uptake [2018/10]

+ Aufnahme in den Lenkungsausschuss von "AIMES" [2018/09]

+ Aufnahme in den Global Carbon Project Lenkungsausschuss [2018/05]



    Curriculum Vitae



    The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI) (01.04.2024 - 31.03.2028) >> mehr

    Reallabor Universitätsforst für nachhaltiges Verjüngungsmanagement im
    Klimawandel (LabForest) (01.02.2024 - 31.01.2029) >> mehr

    RESCUE (Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions) (01.08.2023 - 31.08.2026) >> mehr

    STEPSEC: Comparative evaluation of the potential of terrestrial carbon dioxide removal
    (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr

    CDRSynTra: Carbon Dioxide Removal Synthesis and Transfer project (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr

    STEPSEC: Comparative evaluation of the potential of terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr

    CDRSynTra: Carbon Dioxide Removal Synthesis and Transfer project (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr

    High-resolution monitoring of avoided carbon emissions and carbon restoration potentials from land use change (01.04.2020 - 05.05.2021) >> mehr

    LAMACLIMA (01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022) >> mehr

    Human-Earth system coupling (01.01.2019 - 01.12.2025) >> mehr

    Global Carbon Budget (01.04.2018 - 31.12.2025) >> mehr

    Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) (01.04.2018 - 01.12.2025) >> mehr

    VERIFY (01.04.2018 - 31.08.2022) >> mehr

    Earth system and vegetation modeling (01.04.2018 - 31.12.2025) >> mehr
