Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Physische Geographie und Erdsysteminteraktionen
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
Luisenstraße 37
2. Stock
80333 München
Raum A204
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 6652
Aufgrund von sehr unregelmäßiger Nachfrage Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung.
Weitere Informationen zur Person
+ How large are the potential of negative emission technologies such as af/reforestation or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage to take up and sequester CO2? How permanent is this carbon storage, could future extreme events annihilate a forest carbon sink? What are the risks and side-effects of NETs?
+ Is it possible to create win-win situations for mitigation and adaption by land use change such as afforestation, where we achieve a reduction in the global atmospheric CO2 concentration concurrently with a local cooling through energy and water fluxes?
+ How can we reduce the large uncertainties around land use emission estimates, integrating model simulations with Earth observations?
+ How can we integrate land management in global Earth system models to assess effects e.g. of forestry harvest and intensification on vegetation and climate?
+ New paper: Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023 [2024/06/05]
+ New report: The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal released [2024/06/04], with extensive media coverage, e.g. J. Pongratz in BR24,
+ J. Pongratz provides the expert input to the Kick-off of Germany's Long-term Strategy on Negative Emissions [2024/05/28]
+ New CDRterra policybrief: Empfehlungen für die Langfriststrategie Negativemissionen [2024/05/28] (previous policybrief: Debatte zur Kohlendioxidentnahme: Wer mitreden will, sollte diese Begriffe kennen)
+ New book: Moore: Ökosystemfunktionen, Biodiversität und Renaturierung, edited by Johannes Kollmann, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner and Julia Pongratz [2024/05/15]
+ New CDRterra factsheet: CO2-Entnahme an Land – ein Ãœberblick [2024/05/14]
+ Julia Pongratz appointed member to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences [2024/04/11]
+ Media: Interview with SWR on "Tag des Waldes" [2024/03/21]
+ New paper: Effects of idealized land cover and land management changes on the atmospheric water cycle [2024/03/20]
+ Julia Pongratz appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board for Nature-based Solutions at the German Environment Ministry [2024/03/19]
+ New book: Klimawandel in Deutschland, with contribution by Julia Pongratz on emission reductions through ecosystem-based approaches [2024/02/21]
See also this press release.
+++ ... (more teaching awards, publications, media coverage, but less time to list them) ... +++
+ New paper: Overcoming global inequality is critical for land-based mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement [2022/12/03]
+ Events at the UN Climate Conference (COP27) [2022/11/10-12]: e.g., CDRterra at the German Pavilion; panel at Coalition of Rainforest Nations (including Global Carbon Budget rap :-)); UN side-event "2022 GCP Carbon Budget, Scaling Solutions, and the Role of Agriculture”; IPCC event at the “Science for Climate Action” Pavilion on "Estimating GHG Emissions”
+ New paper: Global Carbon Budget 2022 released [2022/11/11], with extensive media coverage, e.g. with J. Pongratz in, SZ (online, print), spiegelonline, BR radioWelt, Welt, Handelsblatt, Washington Post, New York Times; press conference by SMC-Germany 11/08; LMU press release
+ Media: Quarks "CO2 einfach absaugen? Technologien gegen den Klimawandel" [2022/11/19]
+ Media: IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung zu den Folgen der Wahl in Brasilien für den Amazonas-Regenwald [2022/10/31]
+ New paper: Tracking 21st century anthropogenic and natural carbon fluxes through model-data integration (LMU press release) [2022/09/26]
+ New paper: Using the atmospheric CO2 growth rate to constrain the CO2 flux from land use and land cover change since 1900 [2022/09/19]
+ New paper: Intensification of Very Wet Monsoon Seasons in India Under Global Warming [2022/08/04]
+ "Tuesday Discussion" of the Rachel Carson Center; see short presentation here [2022/07/19]
+ LMU teaching award / Lehrinnovationspreis for Julia Pongratz [2022/07/15]
+ Podiumsdiskussion mit PD Dr. Simone Müller, Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz, Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau und Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs im Rahmen des neuen CAS-Schwerpunktes "Climate Futures" [2022/07/05]
+ J. Pongratz provides expert input to the G7 Meeting of the Science Ministers [2022/06/13]
+ New paper: Land-use change emissions based on high-resolution activity data substantially lower than previously estimated [2022/07/17]
+ New book chapter: Bottom-up approaches for estimating terrestrial GHG budgets: Bookkeeping, process-based modeling, and data-driven methods [2022/06]
+ Kick-off of the CDRterra program, coordinated by LMU and opened by the Federal Minister of Education and Research [2022/05/18-20]
+ CAS focus area "Climate Futures: Dialogues across the Science-Society-Policy Interface" started [2022/05]
+ LMU releases their first scrollytelling project: "Ackern für den Klimaschutz" [2022/04/11]
+ Release of the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Working Group 3 "Mitigation of Climate Change" (J. Pongratz contributing author to Chapter 2 "Emissions Trends and Drivers") [2022/04/04]
+ New paper: Effects of Increased Drought in Amazon Forests Under Climate Change: Separating the Roles of Canopy Responses and Soil Moisture [2022/03/26]
+ Talk at the Academy Series of the German Alliance for Global Health Research: "Climate, land use, humans – the new role of terrestrial vegetation in climate neutrality pathways" [2022/02/01]
+ Panelist at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: "Herausforderungen und Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft". [2022/01/27]
+ ARTE 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles: "Kann Geoengineering das Klima retten?" [2022/01/21]
+ New paper (Pongratz et al., Current Climate Change Reports): Land use effects on climate: current state, recent progress, and emerging topics [2021/12/27]
+ New paper: Are land-use change emissions in Southeast Asia increasing or decreasing? [2021/12/24]
+ Contribution of two chapters to "Warnsignal Klima" book: Boden und Landnutzung [2021/11]
+ New paper: A comprehensive and synthetic dataset for global, regional, and national greenhouse gas emissions by sector 1970–2018 with an extension to 2019 [2021/11/10]
+ New data release of the Global Carbon Projects annual global carbon budget, presented at COP26, press coverage e.g. LMU, BR [2021/11/04]
+ Start of nationwide program on Carbon Dioxide Removal, coordinated by LMU, press coverage e.g. LMU, SZ, and to be discussed at COP26 [2021/11/01]
+ New paper: Vulnerability of European ecosystems to two compound dry and hot summers in 2018 and 2019 [2021/10/15]
+ Podcast of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences: Wir haben es in der Hand. [2021/10/09]
+ Panelist at Geowoche (DGfG): Potenzial der Geographie – Maximierung versus Marginalisierung des Schulfachs Geographie [2021/10/08]
+ dena Leitstudie "Aufbruch Klimaneutralität" published (J.P. im wiss. Beirat) [2021/10/07]
+ First, highly interdisciplinary Munich Climate Summer School with contributions by Pongratz, Havermann, Obermeier [2021/09/28-10/01]
+ M94.5-Podcast series "Neutron": Stadt, Land, Fluss - Wie sich Landnutzung auf den Klimawandel auswirkt [2021/09/24]
+ New paper: Slow-down of the greening trend in natural vegetation with further rise in atmospheric CO2 [2021/09/13]
+ New papers: Identification of linear response functions from arbitrary perturbation experiments in the presence of noise – Part I. Method development and toy model demonstration and Part II. Application to the land carbon cycle in the MPI Earth System Model [2021/09]
+ Release of the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Working Group 1 "The Physical Science Basis" (J. Pongratz contributing author to Chapter 5 "Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks") [2021/08/09]
+ LMU Award for Excellent Student Research to Gergana Gyuleva for her bachelor thesis on Amazon deforestation [2021/07/27]
+ Panelist at KIT Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation (ARRTI): "Geoengineering: Clutching at any straw or part of a solution strategy?" [2021/07/07]
+ New paper in Science Advances: Changes in global terrestrial live biomass over the 21st century [2021/07/02]
+ Two new papers out on the same day in Earth System Dynamics: Comparison of uncertainties in land-use change fluxes from bookkeeping model parameterisation and Bookkeeping estimates of the net land-use change flux – a sensitivity study with the CMIP6 land-use dataset [2021/06/30]
+ Talk at Ringvorlesung "Bildung für Klimaschutz": "Das anthropogene Kohlenstoffbudget: Ist der Umkehrpunkt der Emissionen erreicht?" [2021/06/14]
+ Talk at Ringvorlesung of Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice: "Was ist das Problem? Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen" [2021/06/08]
+ Talk at Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) of LMU/TUM: "Climate Change -- Where we are , how we got there and what to do now" [2021/06/07]
+ Poster at the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: "State and future of boreal forest natural climate solutions" [2021/06/02]
+ New paper: The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990–2018 [2021/05/28]
+ Co-organizer and speaker at Webinar by Future Earth and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: Boreal Forests and Climate Change [2021/05/20-21]
+ New paper: Advances in Land Surface Modeling [2021/05/11]
+ Speaker at Planetary Health Academy: Crossing Planetary Boundaries: Climate Change and the Loss of Biodiversity [2021/05/11]
+ CAS Blog by J. Pongratz: "Krisen am Umkehrpunkt? Corona und Klimaschutz" [2021/03/16]
+ New paper in Nature: Global and regional drivers of land-use emissions in 1961–2017 [2021/01/27]
+ New paper: Towards net zero CO2 in 2050: An emission reduction pathway for organic soils in Germany [2021/01/26]
+ New paper:
Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP6 models and their comparison to CMIP5 models [2020/10]. Press release at MPI.
+ Virtual seminar to the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science at University of Leeds on 2020/10/13: "Forests as key drivers of local, regional and global climate"
+ New paper: European anthropogenic AFOLU greenhouse gas emissions: a review and benchmark data [2020/05/01]
+ Keynote talk at the Open Science conference “Managing forests in the 21st century” (PIK/EFI): "Forests as key drivers of local, regional and global change" [2020/03/05]
+ New paper: Can models simulate rainfall manipulation experiments? [2020/02/03]
+ New paper: Forest age in an Earth system model [2020/01/27]
+ New paper: The global carbon budget 2019 [2019/12/04]
+ New paper: Oversights in Bastin et al forest restoration study [2019/10/18]
+ Press: Der Wald, der Kühlung bringt (Welt Kompakt) [2019/08/05]
+ Press: Was Millionen Bäume bringen (Welt) [2019/08/02]
+ New paper: High roughness is dominating effect of forests for local climate [2019/07/20]
+ Feature on the research focus of the new chair for Physical Geography and Land Use Systems [2019/07/11]
+ Ankündigung: Vortrag im Munich GeoCenter am 17.5.2019, 14 Uhr, HS C006: "Managing Climate by Managing Land"
+ New paper: Strong climate-dependence of potential wood harvest [2019/01/22]
+ New paper: The Max Planck Institute Earth system model MPI-ESM1.2 [2019/01/13]
+ Ankündigung: Antrittsvorlesung am 9.1.2019, 15:00, HS C106: "Ackern für den Klimaschutz"
+ New paper: Non-local effects dominate the biogeophysical effects of deforestation [2018/12/31]
+ Julia Pongratz joining Science's Board of Reviewing Editors [2018/11]
+ New paper: El Niño impacts on land CO2 uptake [2018/10]
+ Aufnahme in den Lenkungsausschuss von "AIMES" [2018/09]
+ Aufnahme in den Global Carbon Project Lenkungsausschuss [2018/05]
Curriculum Vitae
The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI) (01.04.2024 - 31.03.2028) >> mehr
Reallabor Universitätsforst für nachhaltiges Verjüngungsmanagement im
Klimawandel (LabForest) (01.02.2024
- 31.01.2029) >> mehr
RESCUE (Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions) (01.08.2023 - 31.08.2026) >> mehr
STEPSEC: Comparative evaluation of the potential of terrestrial carbon dioxide removal
- 30.09.2024) >> mehr
CDRSynTra: Carbon Dioxide Removal Synthesis and Transfer project (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr
STEPSEC: Comparative evaluation of the potential of terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr
CDRSynTra: Carbon Dioxide Removal Synthesis and Transfer project (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) (01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024) >> mehr
High-resolution monitoring of avoided carbon emissions and carbon restoration potentials from land use change (01.04.2020 - 05.05.2021) >> mehr
LAMACLIMA (01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022) >> mehr
Human-Earth system coupling (01.01.2019 - 01.12.2025) >> mehr
Global Carbon Budget (01.04.2018 - 31.12.2025) >> mehr
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) (01.04.2018 - 01.12.2025) >> mehr
VERIFY (01.04.2018 - 31.08.2022) >> mehr
Earth system and vegetation modeling (01.04.2018 - 31.12.2025) >> mehr