Department of Geography

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Personal profile


Florian Zabel

PD Dr. Florian Zabel

Privatdozenten und Privatdozentinnen / Lehrbeauftragte(r) / abgeordnete Lehrkraft des Departments

Post address

Luisenstraße 37
80333 München

Home address

Luisenstraße 37
3. Stock
80333 München
Room C325


Office hours

Mo, 15:00 - 16:00 and by agreement

Sprechstunden finden momentan Online über Zoom statt.
Schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Email, um einene Termin zu vereinbaren.

Further information on the person

Forces and tasks

Große Exkursion Sizilien (Bachelor, Lehramt)

16-tägige Exkursion (6 ECTS) und Nachbereitungsseminar (3 ECTS)

Große Exkursion Bayern, nördlich der Donau (Bachelor, Lehramt)
10-tägige Exkursion (6 ECTS) und Nachbereitungsseminar (3 ECTS)

2020 - 2022
Die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft (Bachelor, Lehramt)
Hauptseminar (3 ECTS)

2019 - 2022
Mittelbauvertreter in der Kommission für Studienzuschüsse

Große Exkursion Marokko (Bachelor, Lehramt)
10-tägige Exkursion (6 ECTS) und Nachbereitungsseminar (3 ECTS)

2018 - 2021
Umweltmodellierung (Master)
Ãœbung (3 ECTS)

2017 - 2019
Mittelbauvertreter im Fakultätsrat

2016 - 2019
Integriertes Modellierungsprojekt (Master)
Projektseminar (6 ECTS)

2015 - 2021
Umweltmodellierung und Geographische Informationssysteme für Fortgeschrittene (Master)
Vorlesung (3 ECTS)

2015 - 2019
Einführung in die physische Geographie (Bachelor, Lehramt)
Ãœbung (3 ECTS)

2015 - 2017
Klimawandel und Klimafolgen (Master)
Seminar (3 ECTS)

2015 - 2022
Integrierte Modelierung geographischer Prozesese (Master)
Vorlesung (3 ECTS)

2014 - 2021
Klimatologisch- mikrometeorologisches & pflanzenphysiologisches Freilandpraktikum (Master)
Freilandpraktikum (3 ECTS)

2014 - 2020
Umweltmanagement (Bachelor)
Ãœbung (3 ECTS)

2013 - 2021
Stoff- und Energieflüsse im System Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre (Master)
Ãœbung (3 ECTS)

2013 - 2015
Bodenphysikalisch-hydrologisches Freilandpraktikum (Master)
Freilandpraktikum (3 ECTS)

2013 - 2015
Bodenkundlich- bodenphysikalisches Laborpraktikum (Master)
Laborpraktikum (3 ECTS)

2013 - 2014
Sustainable Land Management (Master)
Vorlesung (3 ECTS)

2013 - 2014
Spezielle physische Geographie – Hydrologie (Bachelor, Lehramt)
Vorlesung (3 ECTS)

Research priorities

Crop modelling, Climate change impacts on agriculture, Adaptation, Mitigation, Integrative land use change research, Trade-offs between climate protection food security and biodiversity.

Land use change is largely driven by the increasing
demand of agricultural commodities for food, fibre and bio-energy that arise
through population growth, income growth and preference changes towards more
livestock products in fast growing economies. We investigate the impacts of these socio-economic drivers on land use
change at global and regional scale and identify resulting trade-offs between
climate protection, food security and biodiversity conservation.

Research projects

BioSDG: Die „Sustainable Development Goals“, welchen Beitrag leistet die Bioökonomie? (01.04.2020 - 31.03.2022) >> more

VirtualWaterValues - Multiskaliges Monitoring globaler Wasserressourcen und Optionen für deren effiziente und nachhaltige Nutzung (01.05.2017 - 31.12.2021) >> more

BioNex - Die Zukunft des Biomasse Nexus (01.04.2017 - 31.01.2021) >> more

EO4Food (Earth Observation for Food) (15.01.2014 - 15.07.2014) >> more

GLUES: Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services (01.03.2010 - 31.12.2016) >> more

Scientific activities

2010 - 2015

Global agricultural land resources: A high resolution crop suitability evaluation and its perspectives until 2100 under climate change conditions. 

The data can be downloaded via Zenodo.

Agricultural Suitability: Agricultural suitability at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec, considering rainfed conditions and irrigation on currently irrigated areas. The agricultural suitability represents for each pixel the maximum suitability value of the considered 16 plants. The dataset contains four time periods (1961-1990, 1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2071-2100). Download Data.

Crop Suitability:  Crop suitability for 16 crops at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec, considering rainfed conditions and irrigation on currently irrigated areas. The dataset contains four time periods (1961-1990, 1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2071-2100). The considered crops are: Barley, Cassava, Groundnut, Maize, Millet, Oilpalm, Potatoe, Rapeseed, Rice, Rye, Sorghum, Soy, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Summer wheat, Winter wheat. Download Data.

Suitability Change: Change in agricultural suitability and crop suitability for 16 crops between 1981-2010 and 2071-2100 at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec. Download Data.

Multiple Cropping: Potential number of suitable crop cycles for 16 crops at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec, considering rainfed conditions and irrigation on currently irrigated areas. The dataset contains four time periods (1961-1990, 1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2071-2100). Download Data.

Growing Cycle: Start of the growing cycle for 16 crops at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec, considering rainfed conditions and irrigation on currently irrigated areas. In case of multiple cropping, the start of the first growing cycle is shown. The dataset contains four time periods (1961-1990, 1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2071-2100).  Download Data.
