Department für Geographie






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Mitchell, Nicole, Julia Teebken and Klaus Jacob (2022): Experimentelle Klimawandelanpassung mit Bürger*innen – Fazit für Forschung und Entwicklung, Synver*Z anthology Real Laboratories for Urban Transformation,, Article in Book, published.

Magnan, A.K., Oppenheimer, M., Garschagen, M., Buchanan, M.K., Duvat, V.K.E., Forbes, D.L., Ford, J.D., Lambert, E., Petzold, J., Renaud, F.G., Sebesvari, Z., van de Wal, R.S.W., Hinkel, J., and Pörtner, H.-O. (2022): Sea level rise risks and societal adaptation benefits in low-lying coastal areas, Scientific Reports, Reviewed, published.

H. Rau (2021): Alle Publikationen ab 2015 finden Sie unter , Abstract, published.

Moure, M.; Sandholz, S.; Wannewitz, M.; Garschagen, M. (2021): No easy fixes: Government workers perception of policy (in)coherence in the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda in Mexico, Climate Risk Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2020.100270, Reviewed, published.

Popp, M., Schmude, J., Passauer, M., Karl, M. und A. Bauer (2021): Why Don’t They Travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism. , Leisure Sciences, S. 1-26, Reviewed, published.

Rau, H., Popp, M. und M. Mögele (2021): Transdisziplinäres Forschen erlernen. Problemzentriertes Lehren und Lernen im Masterstudiengang Humangeographie und Nachhaltigkeit , in: Wintzer, J., Mossig, I. und A. Hof (Hg.): Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre, S. 289-298, Konstanz et al., Article in Book, published.

Schmude, J.; Pillmayer, M.; Witting, M.; Corradini, P. (2021): Geography matters, but… Evolving success factors for nature-oriented health tourism within selected Alpine destinations, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 5389, Reviewed, published.

Witting, M.; Filimon, S.; Kevork, S. (2021): Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region, Safety Science, 105406, Reviewed, published.

Mahne-Bieder, J.; Popp, M. und H. Rau (2021): RadAktiv – Identifizierung, Typisierung und Aktivierung von Nicht-Radfahrenden, In: Klein, T. (Hg.): Radverkehrsinfrastruktur – Baustein der Verkehrswende. Gemeinsame Abschlusspublikation des NRVP-Forschungsbegleitkreises „Förderschwerpunkt Infrastruktur“, 63-70, Berlin (difu Sonderveröffentlichung), Article in Book, published.

Moullec, F., Asselot, R., Auch, D., Blöcker, A. M., Börner, G., Färber, L., Ofelio, C., Petzold, J., Santelia, M. E., Schwermer, H., Sguotti, C., Steidle, L., Tams, V., & Pellerin, F. (2021): Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol, Environmental Evidence, Reviewed, published.

Stammer, D., Engels, A., Marotzke, J., Gresse, E., Hedemann, C., & Petzold, J. (2021): Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2021. Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050, Hamburg, Book, published.

Berrang-Ford et al. (2021): A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, Reviewed, published.

Berrang-Ford, L., Siders, A. R., Lesnikowski, A., Fischer, A. P., Callaghan, M. W., Haddaway, N. R., Mach, K. J., Araos, M., Shah, M. A. R., Wannewitz, M., Doshi, D., Leiter, T., Matavel, C., Musah-Surugu, J. I., Wong-Parodi, G., Antwi-Agyei, P., Ajibade, I., Chauhan, N., Kakenmaster, W., … Abu, T. Z. (2021): A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, 17,, Reviewed, published.

Matschoss, K., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Backhaus, J., Goggins, G., Grealis, E., et al. (2021): Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches., Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1): , 136-152, Reviewed, published.

Sahakian, M., Rau, H., Grealis, E. et al. (2021): Challenging social norms to recraft practices: a living lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries. , Energy Research and Social Science, 72, 101881, Reviewed, published.

Minh Tu Nguyen, Zita Sebesvari, Maxime Souvignet, Felix Bachofer, Andreas Braun, Matthias Garschagen, Ulrike Schinkel, Liang Emlyn Yang, Linh Hoang Khanh Nguyen, Volker Hochschild, André Assmann, Michael Hagenlocher (2021): Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions, Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12689,, Reviewed, published.

Qiong Chen, Liang Emlyn Yang, Jing Luo, Fenggui Liu, Yili Zhang, Qiang Zhou, Rong Guo, Xijing Gu (2021): The 300-year cropland changes reflecting climate impacts and social resilience at the Yellow River-Huangshui River Valley, China, Environmental Research Letters, 065006,, Reviewed, published.

Diyang Zhang, Xiuqi Fang, Liang Emlyn Yang (2021): Comparison of the HYDE cropland data over the past millennium with regional historical evidence from Germany, Regional Environmental Change,, Reviewed, published.

Liang Emlyn Yang, Junxu Chen, Jin Geng, Yiping Fang, Weibing Yang (2021): Social resilience and its scale effects along the historical Tea-Horse Road, Environmental Research Letters, 045001,, Reviewed, published.

Lei He, Jilong Chen, Liang Emlyn Yang*, Guosheng Li, Chengfang Lu (2021): Social resilience to climate and water-related disasters in the Poyang Lake area (East China) over the past 2000 years, Environmental Research Letters, 045007,, Reviewed, published.

Tingting Ji, Hsi-Hsien Wei, Timothy Sim, Liang Emlyn Yang, Jürgen Scheffran (2021): Disaggregated validation of disaster-resilience indicators using household survey data: A case study of Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 102726,, Reviewed, published.

Yan Yu, Ya Wu, Pan Wang, Yili Zhang, Liang Emlyn Yang, Xian Cheng, Jianzhong Yan (2021): Grassland Subsidies Increase the Number of Livestock on the Tibetan Plateau: Why Does the “Payment for Ecosystem Services” Policy Have the Opposite Outcome?, Sustainability, 6208,, Reviewed, published.

Yechennan Peng, Liang Emlyn Yang*, Jürgen Scheffran (2021): A life cycle assessment framework for quantifying the carbon footprint of rural households based on survey data, MethodsX, 101411,, Reviewed, published.

Faith Ka Shun Chan, Liang Emlyn Yang*, Jürgen Scheffran, Gordon Mitchell, Olalekan Adekola, James Griffiths, Yangbo Chen, Gang Li, Xiaohui Lu, Yunfei Qi, Lei Li, Hao Zheng, Adrian McDonald (2021): Urban flood risks and emerging challenges in a Chinese delta: The case of the Pearl River Delta, Environmental Science & Policy, 101-115,, Reviewed, published.

Qi Yi, Yuting Gao, Hongrong Du, Junxu Chen, Liang Emlyn Yang, Hongling Zhao (2021): Spatio-temporal variation of net primary productivity in a rapidly expanding artificial woodland area based on remote-sensing data, Erdkunde, 191-207,, Reviewed, published.



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